Hey Church Family,
As I sat down to pray and think about what to share with you this month, one clear message stood out: Don’t let up. Keep your focus and don't let the busy world pull you away from your daily walk with God.
Life gets busy, even our church activities can fill up our calendars. But no matter what, it's crucial to make time for you and your family to connect with God every day. If you want to keep growing in your relationship with God, here are three simple but very effective habits to practice daily:
1. Start your day by reading the Bible alone—try reading out loud if you can. It helps most people absorb it better.
2. After reading your Bible, talk to God about everything on your mind—your praises, questions, frustrations, and prayers. Pour it all out to Him.
3. Whenever the Holy Spirit makes you aware that you are facing temptations during your day, stop what you are doing and ask God for strength to leave the temptation behind.If you do these things every day, you’ll be closer to God and more at peace in your life. Remember, always listen for the Holy Spirit; following His lead will always keep you on the right path.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this church family. I love each and every one of you and pray for God’s best for each of you.
In Christ,
Pastor James